The average lifespan of a Bearded Dragon ranges from
9-12 years, although some have lived up to 18 years of age.
When full grown Bearded Dragons can be anywhere from
16 to 24 inches long (including the tail).
Bearded Dragons are desert animals originally from Australia
When being handled they like to have all of their feet on something. Many like to sit on your shoulder.

A bearded dragon is a diurnal creature. This means that like many humans, they are active during the day and sleep at night.
If a bearded dragon loses (or has lost) its tail it will not grow back. However, with other types of lizards, if their tail falls off it can grow back.
A bearded dragon is an omnivore which means that it eats both animal and plant based foods. While they don’t necessarily eat ‘meat’, they do eat different types of worms and insects such as dubia roaches and crickets.
The bearded dragon name comes from its ability to puff its throat up. It can do this when it is angry, excited, showing off for a female or sometimes if they accidentally drank too much water or ate too much!
Bearded Dragons turn a darker colour when they are cold (Turning themselves dark helps them absorb light better) and a lighter colour when warm (Turning themselves a lighter colour helps deflect the light)

When a male Bearded Dragon wants to show off for a female he will turn his beard black and puff it up, and bob his head up and down. The female will then usually respond by doing small nodding or push up like motions and picking her front arms up one at a time and moving them in clockwise circles. Often it looks as if the female is waving.