More of Fiona & Magnus's Babies Have Hatched!
Happy New Year to all!! We had a nice boxing day surprise last week; Fiona & Magnus' babies hatched! They a all healthy and doing great!...

Lots of colours showing!
Our babies belonging to Magnus, Bella and Fiona are rapidly developing more colour every week! We couldn't be more pleased with how these...

Two Clutches of Magnus's Babies Have Hatched!
Two of Magnus's clutches have hatched! Here are some photos of some of the babies ( there are many more not photographed yet). The mother...

Magnus and Fiona babies are on the way!
Our new addition to our family, Magnus, the 75% Red Monster is becoming a first time father! We have 2 clutches from him currently in the...

Bella's Babies Have Hatched!
Bella & Smaug's babies have hatched and their babies are even more stunning than we expected! These babies are only a week old and...

Finally! Rankins babies are on the way!
Our beautiful Rankins Dragon Chloe has laid eggs! This means we will have some Rankins Dragon babies available for sale near the end of...

Enclosures and Accessories available for Local Purchase
We have some brand new supplies left over from reptile expos we are selling off. Available for local pickup only. If you are planning on...

Palutina's Babies Have Hatched! A Valentine's Surprise!
Palutina & Smaug's babies hatched on Feb 14th and they are so adorable! What a nice Valentine's surprise! Already they are showing great...

Those are going to be some gorgeous babies!
We are happy to announce we finally have eggs in the incubator from two of our gorgeous breeders! We have been waiting to get a clutch of...

Update Regarding Shipping & Holds around the holidays
Christmas is coming! Although we ship year round, there will be a two week period where shipping will not be possible surrounding...